Eto’o presents the Integration Heroes Match: at San Siro on 23 May

In Milan the charity event wanted by the former Barcelona and Inter champion, also supported by Lega Serie A. There will also be Totti, Shevchenko, Thuram and some teammates of the Nerazzurri Triplete

Off the pitch continues to go fast. Just like when he made the Inter fans dream in that fantastic 2010. Samuel Eto’o is like this: a hurricane of energy. And of projects. The last one – after he became president of the Cameroon Football Federation in December – is called “Integration Heroes Match” and was presented at a press conference this morning at the Sheraton in Milan.


What is it about? A charity match against all forms of discrimination to be held on May 23 at San Siro. Eto’o will be the official ambassador of one of the first meetings in the world organized with the aim of promoting inclusiveness and multiculturalism, also supported by Lega Serie A. And for the occasion, the former champion of Barcelona and Inter has summoned a plethora of champions: from Julio Cesar to Sneijder, from Zanetti to Totti, from Shevchenko to Pippo Inzaghi. And then again Dybala, Thuram, Pirlo. Cherry on the cake? Lionel Messi, companion of many battles in Blaugrana.


“I am one of the few people who has had everything in life – Eto’o begins at the conference alongside Ilaria D’Amico, moderator of the meeting -. But I think that everyone, at least once, has had indifference from someone. Football it can unite and teach a lesson to all those people who for their own interests forget the fundamental values ​​”. And then again: “Despite my role, I don’t feel like a politician – he admits -. Football has no borders, it can go further than politics. Politics has interests: today it is white, tomorrow black. Football has no interests”.


Then the president of Lega Serie A, Lorenzo Casini, takes the floor: “I was struck by Samuel’s words on politics. I think it is important that the distance between politics and citizens be filled and I believe that football is an exceptional tool”.


Ball then to basketball player Bruno Cerella who with ‘Slums Dunk’, his association, collaborates with Eto’o on this new and ambitious project. “With Slums Dunk we use sport as a tool to promote values. I thank Eto’o for supporting our initiative and then I want to reveal something: a little while ago he told me that he wants to win the next world championship with Cameroon”. Eto’o’s answer was ready: “Sure! And do you know why? To change the world you have to be crazy. I always take Inter as an example: no one at the beginning of the season gave us as Champions League winners, but Mourinho made us a team of warriors. Here, I would like to recreate something like that. “

how to participate

Tickets to attend the big event on 23 May can be purchased from today on Vivaticket, by clicking on this link.
