Etetral the perfume for the home and the environment

StIt’s the small daily gestures that make our lives better. Taking care of something or someone for example, keeping fit, making the spaces we live in beautiful, worrying about our health. Although it may seem easy, it is not at all a foregone conclusion to constantly carry on all those little things that help us improve our days. You need to have passion, determination but above all love for beautiful and positive things. This is an overview that makes everyday life more livable and at times extremely serene.

A matter of perfumes and serenity

Photo by Dan Gold hon Unsplash

The same happens when, intent on household activities, we “stumble” on that little duty which is doing the laundry. But if loading the washing machine may seem like an established routine, taking out the clothes after the wash is sometimes a difficult mission. The drying rack ritual risks making the cleaning march less than triumphant. But with the mission accomplished, when the hanging clothes start filling the house (or the balcony, the terrace) with fresh and clean everything starts to make another sense. Also in this way we are taking care of ourselves.

This also happens for our house, when we start doing the daily cleaning. Also taking care of the environments in which we live is to demonstrate love for ourselves. In this case, a hand is given to us, for example, by room and fabric perfumers, which cheerfully refresh our daily space.

Pool Pharma’s innovation is called Etereal

About this Pool Pharma has created a line of products for the care of laundry, home and fabrics in general, capable of perfuming, but also of sanitizing.

Innovation, research and safety, these are the watchwords of Etereal. First of all we are talking about laundry perfumers that make the garments very fragrant, thanks to the essential oils, and sanitized thanks to the chlorhexidine. An innovation therefore not only for Pool Pharma, but for the whole sector of perfumers for clothes, which from today focuses not only on the most pleasant factor, therefore that of perfume, but also on safety and hygiene, a sensitive issue especially after the years of the pandemic.

The composition of Etereal is unique, with the 65% of essential oils with fragrances selected not only for the pure olfactory purpose but also for their armotherapeutic properties.

Etereal is also a spray

Ethereal spray

However, Etereal is not only a washing machine perfumer, but also a very handy spray to revive fabrics, avoid stains and humidity and keep them fresh as if they had just been washed and, of course, sanitized.

Considering our daily lives, in which the day’s commitments fit together to march at a perfect pace, this solution could relieve us of the embarrassment of changing clothes when the city smog has saddened our bosses and we still have an evening ahead .

Home fragrances

Ethereal home perfumers

The Etereal line also consists of essential oils, room perfumers with sticks and ultrasound diffusers for aromatherapy and chromotherapy. A way to keep the house, the place we hold most dear, always scented.

All Etereal products can be found in pharmacies or on the website

Etereal and Matthias House

Matthias' house

To launch the new fragrance Etereal has organized an event together with the YouTuber passionate about housework Mattia Alessio of La Casa di Mattia. The appointment is for Sunday 18 December at 5pm at the Milan Hotel Melià. On this occasion, Mattia will reveal to the participants all the secrets for having a brilliant home and a very fragrant laundry. Together with Mattia there will also be Zelig cabaret artist Gianni Cinelliand together they will give the public a little pre-Christmas light-heartedness.

The event will feature small talk and, why not, some exchange of views with the YouTuber, followed by a selfie moment.

Participation is by reservation via the eventbrite link by clicking here.

