Eterna CTO Bosse Kuellenberg is leaving

Bosse Kuellenberg, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Eterna, is leaving the company. The shirt and blouse specialist confirms this when asked by FashionUnited.

The reason for this are several factors. In addition to private reasons, the strategic and organizational phase of the current technology project has been completed, according to Passau. The project is now “progressed and operationalized” in implementation. A successor is therefore not planned, according to a spokesman.

The digital expert became part of the management board in April 2019 in order to be “responsible for the further development and implementation of a future-oriented IT and digital strategy as well as for the new cross-company area of ​​digital innovation and digital business development”, according to Eterna.

This post was updated on May 5, 2022 at 12:40 p.m. with more details.
