ETA terrorism | Bildu, to the victims of ETA: “We are deeply sorry for the suffering caused”

The spokeswoman for EH Bildu in the CongressMertxe Aizpuruaaddressed the victims of terrorism this Wednesday to tell them that regrets “greatly & rdquor; the suffering caused by ETA.

“We want to tell you from the heart that We are deeply sorry for your suffering and we are committed to trying to mitigate it to the best of our ability & rdquor ;, he said. “We know that nothing we say can undo the damage caused, but we are convinced that it is possible to at least alleviate it from the respect, consideration and memory of all the victims & rdquor ;, added during the second day of the debate on the state of the nation.

Also, Aizpurua has attacked the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezagainst the “Transition model”, that you have called a “mortgage”. He has also called on the group of the left to “break once and for all” with the “regime of 78”, in addition to claiming the Basque Republic.

Also has expressed its objective of respecting the right to decide and that the different nationalities that existas is the case of the Basque, can democratically decide on their future.

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On the other hand, it has been claimed that “Spain as a State continues to be a democracy of poor quality” as it has been possible to verify these days after the audios of the former commissioner Jose Manuel Villarejowhich evidences a “political, media, judicial, police, business, financial, oligarchic framework perfectly greased to put an end to political dissidence.”

Thus, has demanded Sánchez to champion a “real and profound transition” that can really bring Spain closer to the democratic standards of the 21st century and “break ties” with the inertia inherited from the dictatorship.
