eSports: FunPlus Phoenix celebrates Challengers title

FunPlus Phoenix’ Valorant pros are at the forefront of the EMEA region, which includes Europe. The team secured the Challengers title with a 3-1 win over G2 Esports.

“It’s unbelievable, I’m shaking,” said a visibly happy Kamil “baddyG” Graniczka after the final in the tournament’s live stream. The Polish Valorant professional had only played as a substitute in the FunPlus Phoenix team, FPX for short, in the past few weeks. “I can’t believe we are the EMEA champions. Dreams come true!”

Linked to the tournament victory is the qualification for the Masters in April in Reykjavik. A first for FunPlus Phoenix. For the first time, the team presents itself on the global Valorant stage.

The team already managed to qualify for the Masters in March 2021. At that time, however, it was only a regional, purely European tournament. The subsequent Masters events with worldwide participation were missed.

G2 present in Reykjavik, surprise in North America

G2 Esports can look forward to a consolation after the defeat in the Challengers final. The e-sports organization based in Berlin is also qualified for the Masters in Reykjavik. The same applies to Fnatic as the third best team in the EMEA Challengers.

From April 10th, the teams will then meet nine other Valorant teams from all over the world at the Masters in the Icelandic capital. The view of the participants from North America is surprising. With The Guard and OpTic Gaming, two surprise teams have prevailed at the Challengers there.
