Esportcat allocates 3 million euros more to promote equality in sports and the prescription of physical activity among citizens

On at 09:49


The Government continues to promote and accompany projects in these two priority areas, and to work on these new calls for adjustments

One of the priorities of Sportscat-Generalitat de Catalunya is the projection of women’s sports, to end the inequalities between men and women, and the promotion of equal opportunities, with a broad view, in this area. This commitment has been translated into several initiatives and innovative projects to promote and make visible women’s sports, in which the legislature of women’s sports is present, and to strengthen barriers in the access to women’s sports. physical activity.

Així, the execution has multiplied by four the adjustments to the women’s sport -from 750,000 euros to 3 million in any pass, and reached 4.5 this 2023-, has sponsored women’s teams and various sportsmen, and has promoted new dissemination and reconnaissance projects, with the multitudinous trobada ‘Entre totes, tot’ in Tarragona; the recreational space for children ‘Totesport’, the congress ‘La Igualtat en Joc’ and visibility actions with the TV3 program ‘Una de les nostres’, the recull de contes ‘Superheroïnes de l’esport’ or the exhibition ‘Jugo com una nena’, which has allowed us to show the references of Catalan women’s sports and to train the stereotypes to advance the concept of equal opportunities.

Now, the Government is doing one more step in this priority of sports policy. It is for this reason that it will allocate 3 million euros more for possible activities in these two areas. There are now calls for grants to accompany the initiatives deployed by the country’s sports agents. Some adjustments that will also help modernize and empower the sports sector, and promote sustainable development, social cohesion, equal opportunities and attention to vulnerable communities through the initiatives promoted.

“We will promote in a safe, sustainable and inclusive way the practice of sports and physical activity and its benefits for the health of the entire citizenry,” says the General Secretariat of Sports and Physical Activities, Anna Caula. The two calls are marked in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union through the Next Generation EU programme.

Anna Caula: “We will promote the practice of esports in a safe, sustainable and inclusive way”

The first of the calls, endowed with 2 million euros through the Catalan Sports Council (CCE), focuses on the promotion of equality in sports through four programs. The ajuts of this call will benefit, depending on each program, Catalan sports federations, sports councils, universities, clubs, educational centers – primary and secondary, public and concerts recognized by the Department of Education -, sports entities, non-sports entities Both sports sections and special education centers are recognized by the Department of Education.

The adjustments will help modernize the sports sector and promote social cohesion and equal opportunities

Promote physical activity as a daily habit

The second call for adjustments, focused on the promotion of sports through the prescription of physical activity and physical exercise for citizens, is aimed at local and sports councils, and is endowed with 1 million d’euros by the CCE. The objective is to incorporate sports culture into daily health habits through continued activity throughout life.

Details of the two calls


Program 1- Support the organization of innovative or extraordinary formats of women’s sports competitions equally within the federation, with the objective of increasing the participation and visualization of women’s sports and sports. esport adaptive and inclusive.

Program 2 – Supports the training of technical and sports personnel in the same way as technicians, referees, judges, jockey tutors and coaches.

Program 3 – Support awareness campaigns among children and adolescents about sports practice, equally gendered and including people with disabilities.

Program 4 – Support for the sports practice of people with disabilities from special education centers.


Support for creating local sports or community structures (active physical exercise units) through the implementation of the physical exercise and sports program within the framework of the Physical Activity, Sports and Health Plan (PAFES) promoted by the Government.

Projecting new female references among the mainada is one of the Government’s objectives

