Espoo got the European Championships

Finland and Lithuania will share the hosting of the European women’s basketball tournament in 2027.

Susiladies’ Awak Kuier will be able to play in front of the home crowd in 2027. Tomi Natri / AOP

The international basketball federation FIBA ​​made the expected decision on Friday, when it gave Finland and Lithuania the right to host the European Women’s Championship.

It was expected because it was also the only application on the table.

Therefore, Finland will have a streak of three value basket tournaments. Next year in Hakametsä in Tampere, the 18-year-old boys EC gold will be decided.

It’s next summer’s turn Lauri Markkanen starring Susijengi, which plays its own men’s EC tournament at the new Nokia Arena in Tampere.

And after Friday’s decision, Espoo will also get its own tournament. Its Metro Arena will host the 2027 Women’s European Championships.

– For many young players, this is also a unique opportunity to see top-level international women’s basketball on the spot, Director of Coaching of the Finnish Basketball Association Henrik Dettmann says in the union’s press release.

– In women’s basketball, you can see the same rise that on the men’s side led Susijeng to a great journey in the world rankings.

Espoo has a strong tradition in women’s basketball. Both Tapiola Honka and Espoo Basket Team are currently playing in the Korisliiga.

Susiladies is still aiming for a place in the 2025 European Championship. The star of the team is an almost two-meter Dallas Wings professional Awak Kuier.
