Esko Eerikäinen on his appearance pressure during Hunks – “I beat myself up”

Esko Eerikäinen tells Anna about her journey to overcoming body shame.

Radio host Esko Eerikäinen, 50, is almost free of body shame these days. However, getting to that point has been behind a lot of introspection.

Eerikäinen tells Anna that he was under pressure to stay in muscular shape when he was in the Scandinavian Hunks show dance group for ten years. At that time, he trained very focused on appearance without thinking about his health at all.

– I also beat myself up with drastic diets, which did a lot of damage to my body. My body went into constant overdrive, and my metabolism and hormonal activity went haywire, he told the magazine.

The story continues after the picture.

Esko Eerikäinen’s body required a year’s break due to hard training. Jenni Gästgivar

When the presenter quit the dance team in 2014, her body was tired. At that time, the man ended up taking a training break. The rest was good for Eerikäinen, but soon he noticed that he had gained more weight.

– I didn’t feel well. When I returned to exercise after a year’s break from training, my body didn’t recover in a couple of weeks, like before, he says.

Nowadays, Eerikäinen takes a kinder view of himself. He still loves to exercise, but does not pursue top fitness for the sake of others. He also says that age has brought self-confidence.

Eerikäinen has recently discussed for Iltalehti the focus on appearance in today’s dating culture. It’s a shame for him that, for example, Tinder focuses too much on looks, and not on the personality behind the photos.

– It’s a rough game! It is the main problem with these applications that they focus too much on appearance. I believe that people are starting to realize that external beauty alone is not enough. It is also important to be relatively whole as a person, the host reflected in the interview.

Source: Give it
