Esko Eerikäinen has a trip to a specialist doctor ahead of him – The treatment has not been completed

Esko Eerikäinen suffers from a prolonged eye infection. Another visit to the specialist’s office is ahead.

Presenter Esko Eerikäinen said at the 25th anniversary of the Salatut Elämät series that there are “no ego glasses” on his head, but an eye infection in his right eye. The night before the party, Eerikäinen had to go to the hospital to show his inflamed eye.

– Good morning. It’s three o’clock in the morning and enough taxes have been paid that we’ll try how the eye clinic at Haartmani hospital works, Eerikäinen stated in his Instagram story.

He had been suffering from severe eye pain.

– Now I just have to go to the doctor, there’s nothing I can do. It looked so good during the day, it doesn’t look good anymore, Eerikäinen added in his video.

Esko Eerikäinen’s eye infection is still bothering him. Jenni Gästgivar

At the hospital, it was found out that it was an allergic reaction to dog hair.

Now, almost two weeks later, the eye is still bothering Eerikai. The current medication has not been effective enough.

– I’m going to a specialist ophthalmologist. 30 percent of the sight in the right eye is gone, Eerikäinen told Iltalehte on Wednesday.
