Escrivá reveals that 10% of the employed have been sick due to covid during the sixth wave

The Minister of Social Security and Inclusion, José Luis Escrivá, has provided an approximation to the latest figures of sick leave due to covid and ensures that the sixth wave has caused “a level of casualties of around 10% of all affiliates; has not provided the specific figure, and neither has the ministry team, but taking into account that there are 19.8 million Social Security affiliates, 10% would mean that about 2 million people He has taken leave due to the coronavirus in recent weeks.

The latest data available so far, provided by the ministry in early January, reflected 240,011 casualties initiated in the first 23 days of December.

Escrivá added that the latest figures show that the wave is receding: “The data of the last days show quite clearly that the maximums have already been reached and we are at the bottom, and due to the experience of the previous waves, once it is reversed, very rapid processes of recovery of the activity processes”.

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The Minister of Inclusion made the announcement in Asturias, during one of the acts that has starred in the framework of a work visit to Oviedo in which he participated in an informative breakfast, visited two Social Security offices and met with the President of the Principality. Within the framework of that visit, he highlighted that Asturias, like the whole of Spain, has already recovered the levels of employment prior to the pandemic.

“The evolution of employment throughout the country has been extraordinary,” added Escrivá, and advanced that, according to provisional data, the increase in affiliation in January will be around 70,000 people in Spain, significantly above the usual monthly average (40,000). According to the Minister, such results are the result of the flexibility policies that were deployed to protect employment, mainly the ERTE and the new benefits for the self-employed.


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