Esa Lindell whipped herself: “Kyrsii”

Jukka Jalonen admitted that not everyone was at their best. The names were not raised by the head coach.

When the defenders of Dallas Stars Esa Lindell and Miro Heiskanen joined the Lions, praised the head coach Jukka Jalonen men as the best defenders in Finland.

Jalosen had a solid foundation for his estimates, so it was surprising who got the cons of Lions in Slovakia.

Both Heiskanen and Lindell saw the Finnish network swaying up close.

The attack, which led to a 1-0 goal for Slovakia, came from Heiskanen’s foul pass.

– Unfortunately my feed was cut off. After that, the puck went sadly through the knee and racket to the finish line. Time rarely goes around, but sometimes so. It was bad, but nothing can be done. Such things sometimes happen, Heiskanen said.

Lindell, on the other hand, struggled Pavol Regendan but he was able to shoot 2–0 from the front of the Finnish pack.

– Yes, they always pick up when they lose a duel. Fortunately, we won now, so not so much anymore, Lindell said.

Esa Lindell and Simon Nemec twisted. Lindell estimates he has improved over the course of the game. Petri Saarelainen / AOP

Needs to improve

Jukka Jalonen admitted that in the 0-2 loss position, there was a danger that the famous own game would have been forgotten and the game would have been forced to twist instead of patiently grinding.

– It is clear. We need to improve. Not everyone was on a personal level at their best. Even a team game always consists of individuals. If someone beeps a bit or makes the wrong choices somewhere, it will affect the playing of the top five, Jalonen said.

On the other hand, Jalonen calculated that Slovakia scored two goals out of about two places and only got six places in the whole game.

– Yes, it usually wins the game itself.

So it was largely a matter of the players ’heads staying together, so to speak.

– You just have to grind your own game patiently. Although we didn’t play well in the opening round, we weren’t anywhere at all.

– It wasn’t easy. Behind the really hard work was this victory today.

Miro Heiskanen was on the puck just before the goals for Slovakia. PASSI FLAME
