Error in Rotterdam polling station: almost 6000 votes too many for D66 | Rotterdam

Due to a human error in a Rotterdam polling station, D66 received almost 6000 votes too many in the provisional result. D66 turns out not to be the second, but the third party in the city.

On Wednesday, 58 votes were cast at the polling station for D66 and 78 for the PvdA. But a volunteer who had to pass on the result electronically forgot to skip a line and mistakenly entered 5878 votes for D66. As a result, the party had almost six thousand too many votes in the provisional result, which was published late on Wednesday evening.

In the preliminary results, D66 was listed as the second party in the city, with twelve percent of the vote. But in the official result, the party comes in at nine percent, making D66 not the second party in the city, but the third, after GroenLinks and the VVD.


Still a good result, but not as good as we thought on Thursday

Agnes Maassen, Chairman D66 Rotterdam

“A human error, which we fortunately quickly found out,” says a spokesperson for the municipality, who confirms the incident. “On Thursday it quickly turned out that the number of votes cast for that polling station turned out to be incorrect, because it did not match the number of registered voting passes. We already knew then: something must be wrong there.”

D66 party leader Agnes Maassen was informed by D66 alderman Chantal Zeegers. “Very annoying and a pity,” says Maassen. “Nine percent is still a good result. But it’s not as nice as we thought on Thursday.”

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