Erika Vikman’s performance did not start as planned

Erika Vikman made a surprise appearance in the final round of the Tango market singing competition.

Erika Vikman performed sensuously. Joona Rissanen

The 2016 tango queen and singer Erika Vikman made a surprise appearance at the finals of the Seinäjoki Tango market on Thursday evening. However, the show could not start as planned.

Erika Vikman arrived on stage just before the TV cameras started filming and Sami Pitkämön the orchestra echoed the opening chords of the song Sinstinen pöytä. However, shortly after the performance began, Vikman interrupted the orchestra’s performance.

Vikman said into his mike that he couldn’t hear the orchestra from his ear buds.

– Sorry for the disturbance, Vikman stated.

Erika Vikman stopped her performance at the very beginning. Joona Rissanen

Vikman was dressed in a spectacular black evening dress, which sparkled brightly thanks to the glitter and stage lights. The singer took off the device attached to her back and fixed the problem.

Vikman was wearing a spectacular evening dress. Joona Rissanen

It took several seconds to put the device back in place and even host Susanna Laine rushed to help Vikman on stage. When Laine got close to Vikman, he was able to fix the problem himself and the show could be started.

— Sorry for the disturbance, Vikman said to the audience. Joona Rissanen

The audience cheered and clapped loudly for Vikman’s sensual interpretation. After the show, host Laine asked Vikman what problems there were at the beginning of the show.

– I had the wire disconnected, Vikman revealed.

The duo stated in unison on stage that the wires must be closed when arriving on stage in the future.

In Thursday’s final qualifying, four competitors were selected for Saturday’s super final. They made it to the super final Keijo Hietikko, Hanna Hirvonen, Lauri Ketonen mixed Heta Halonen.

These four finalists will compete in Saturday’s final. Joona Rissanen

Erika Vikman’s sparkling outfit stole the attention on the red carpet of the Emma gala: “This is my discovery” IL TV
