Erika Vikman made a mysterious revelation about her love life

Singer Erika Vikman is apparently in love.

Erika Vikman, one of Finland’s brightest pop stars, surprised her followers on Instagram. The artist asked his fans to send him questions on his Instagram stories.

One of the questions was very classic: what’s up with you in life?

Vikman’s answer, on the other hand, was confusing.

– Better than ever. I’m about to move into my first home and there might be a little love in the air, he continues.

– The gigs have been wonderful and the festival summer is looming, the singer answers.

Erika Vikman has risen to the Finnish music scene with her hit Cicciolina. Roni Lehti

The singer ended up in the middle of relationship rumors last fall when she starred Only life in the program Jyrki69’s with. Later, the rock musician opened up to the press about how he was infatuated on the set of the show.

However, at no point did he mention that the object of his crush was Vikman. Rumors began to spread when the musician praised Vikman several times in various interviews.

At the Emma gala, the two shared a statue together. Jyrki commented on the relationship rumors to Iltalehti.

– This is where we share the Emma statue after the Vain läämää program. Pretty collegial, isn’t it? No more than that, he summed up the two’s distance.

Erika Vikman has been careful about her private life with her popularity. Evening newspaper

Vikman, in turn, answered the question about his love life with few words.

– Let it remain a mystery, Vikman stated subtly.

The pop singer’s Easter has not gone according to plan. He announced earlier this week that he was canceling his gig scheduled for Saturday due to illness.

– I’ve been sick all week and on Saturday I still don’t feel like stepping on stage, Vikman lamented on Instagram.
