“Erica Meiland should not always react so annoyed to criticism”

Erica Meiland needs to learn to take criticism to heart and not react so harshly. “There could also be a little more understanding for what the people think,” says Telegraaf reporter Jordi Versteegden.

© RTL, Telegraaf

The Meilandjes are regularly under fire, now again because they make entertainment out of poverty. They often react very strongly to this, according to Telegraaf media reporter Jordi Versteegden. “I notice in the reactions I keep getting from Erica, that she does react a bit fiercely and that she doesn’t agree with it at all,” he says. Private TV


Jordi finds it awkward of Erica. “It is allowed, but yes, I think she should be open to the fact that there are also people who have gotten a different picture of it. Sometimes I think: Erica, there could also be a little more understanding for what the people think then.”

The criticism that Chateau Bijstand is inappropriate television is shared by Jordi. “I think that SBS, because they are also the cause of it, should have thought a little more about it. About which family they should have made part of this format.”


Will the Meilandjes be harmed by this? Telegraaf presenter Wilson Boldewijn thinks time will tell. “We will only know after a while whether the damage is really there.”

Jordi: “I think it won’t be too bad. I think so and I secretly draw that conclusion already… That family has of course become so successful and popular due to the fact that they are simply followed in what they do. Now they are being asked to participate in some kind of play.”

normal life

Jordi thinks it would be better to omit that play from now on. “I think this would have worked better if they had just let their normal lives continue, but that they would just follow people who live on welfare themselves and help those people.”

According to Jordi, the current setup is unbelievable. The Meilandjes show little solidarity at all, he thinks. “I can already see Maxime driving around in her expensive car and that also applies to the others.”


AD top diva Angela de Jong has already written Chateau Bijstand to pieces in her infamous AD column. In the accompanying media podcast, her colleagues also go wild on the program. “Crumpling. I find it really shocking”, says media journalist Dennis Jansen, for example.

And Marcus den Blanken: “They get a lovely house and are going to complain about it! If necessary, remove it in the assembly!”
