Erica Meiland lies about hurt welfare mother: ‘What am I leaving out?!’

Erica Meiland reacted to the statements of welfare mother Deesi Groot in Humberto Tan’s talk show yesterday. She feels logically hurt by the wealthy TV star.

© RTL, Instagram

People on welfare are mainly lazy people who sometimes have to roll up their sleeves, says Erica Meiland. At least, that’s what she continuously shows. It is therefore special that Erica and her TV family played the leading role in the assistance show Chateau Bijstand last season. Many critics think they did it purely for the money.

Hurt Deesi

Last weekend, months after the recordings, Erica lashed out in De Telegraaf at one of the welfare mothers from her SBS 6 show: Deesi Groot. During the filming, Erica was extremely friendly to her, but afterwards she gave her an ugly sneer in the newspaper. And Deesi is extremely disappointed about that.

According to Erica, Deesi has herself to blame for her dire financial situation. In De Telegraaf: “There was also Deesi, crushed by a horse. She had children with three different men with a half shattered pelvis. Then I think: you can also make other choices in your life. But above all, we should all find it pathetic.”

“She’s leaving a lot out!”

For someone who does not work in the media, it is particularly intense when a major TV star is so derogatory about you in the media, especially if this TV star was nice to your face during the recordings. Deesi has had it a bit with Erica. But unfortunately for Deesi, she hasn’t had her share of Erica yet.

Erica was asked about this issue on Humberto Tan’s talk show yesterday and then jumped on the defensive. “Yeah, but she’s leaving out a bit. I indicated that to say: ‘Yes, but you can also make other choices.’ You know, those people have choices. You are not a victim.”

‘It is not right’

Deesi puts her in a bad light, Erica thinks. “Of course you can’t arrange a lot of things in life, but you also have a lot of choices. That was my approach. But she leaves that part out. Then you get very negative comments, but it’s not true.”

She continues: “She doesn’t reflect what I said at all. If you omit that part, it will distort. I always think that’s such a shame, because then you are portrayed as someone who is very nice there and afterwards brings things down. That is not the case at all.”

Lying Girl

Erica turns things around nicely: it is of course not Deesi who puts Erica in a bad light, but the other way around. Deesi has indeed put the entire passage from Erica’s interview on Instagram. “Which part do I leave out then?” she wonders in surprise. “I am really curious which part I will leave out.”

Deesi is stunned. “I don’t leave a piece out. Shared the entire interview of De Telegraaf which was about me. So no, Erica, I’m not leaving anything out.”

Erica’s daughter Maxime Meiland also has a hand in it. When confronted with ugly statements about someone else, she also started lying and twisting.


Deesi posted the entire excerpt from Erica’s interview at the beginning of the week:
