Erica Meiland is criticized after a relationship breakup Montana: ‘Don’t cry!’

Erica Meiland receives a nasty sneer as she mourns the sudden breakup of her daughter Montana. “Don’t cry, it’s not about you right now!”, she is told.


Montana Meiland caused a big surprise yesterday afternoon by announcing her breakup with Dirk Hoogstraten. Where they one short statement in which she indicated that she would go ‘each our own way’, he says in a long message with many pictures of a ‘step back in our relationship’. The two were together for eight years.

Bomb burst

Private boss Evert Santegoeds, who has a good relationship with the Meiland family, sets up The Telegraph that the bomb exploded at Christmas. “Although, according to insiders, it is rather a realization that has been going on with both for some time, that they may not be the one for each other.”

Dirk hardly played a role in the TV soaps of the Meiland family. He was portrayed as negative in Erica Meiland’s biography. “At first there was a difference of opinion about the division of roles. Dirk would rather see Montana as a housewife, something she didn’t feel for with her busy shop,” says Evert.

Behind countertop

Montana doesn’t feel like standing behind the counter for Dirk all day. “The idea that Dirk preferred to keep her at home became more and more distasteful to Montana, although that was no longer spoken.”

The breakup therefore mainly comes from Montana, says RTL Boulevard reporter Aran Bade. “I do feel that Montana is really putting an end to the relationship, but with Dirk I still feel like: maybe we can still work on it.”

Erica is criticized

Erica places an emotional smiley under the Instagram messages from both Dirk and Montana: “?”, but she is criticized for that.

Mrs Sandra, who follows the Meilandjes, thinks this is indelicate. “Don’t cry but be there for your daughter. It’s not about you right now. To love is also to let go. Better than being in an unhappy relationship.”

One Lies then: “She can indicate that she finds it sad, right? And Erica, as we ‘know’ and see her, is anyway a sweet good mother who will certainly take care of and support her daughter.”

‘Was already seen on TV’

Mrs. Wil saw on television that things would not work out between Montana and Dirk. “Good luck, never nice to have to make such decisions together. What I already saw as a viewer, that Dirk was not the right cover for you. Hope the media gives you peace.”

Mariette then: “And you know them personally? I don’t like people like you who analyze what they see on TV and play the psychologist, when they probably don’t even know these people personally.


Dirk’s message:
