ERC maintains the ultimatum to Sánchez despite contacts between governments

Nothing has happened since Thursday, only the passage of time. And on Thursday, in Madrid, the ‘president’ Pere Aragones issued a warning to the Government in the form of an ultimatum, stating that “any form of collaboration between governments and between parties” was unfeasible if Pedro Sanchez he did not act forcefully with respect to the ‘catalangate’. Nothing has happened, not even Pedro Sánchez’s voice has been heard on the subject, except the passage of time despite the fact that the Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolanos, meet in Barcelona with his counterpart from the Generalitat, Laura Vilagra. ERC is still in the masses, 96 hours later. And 96 hours less until the vote on the economic aid decree for the aftermath of the war in Ukraine.

And if anything has changed, it is that, on Thursday, Republicans still placed more emphasis on “explanations” than on “assumption of responsibilities.” And this Monday, the spokesperson and deputy general secretary of the ERC, Martha Vilalta has already mentioned the resignations.

Republicans scramble when asked about the meaning of this week’s vote in Congress, not because the question is inappropriate or not, but because they believe that the government frame of mind. “Ask not what we shall do, but what what will he do Peter Sanchez. In his answer you will find ours “. It is not a literal phrase of anyone, but it is the air that is breathed in the ERC headquarters, in Calàbria street.

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Meanwhile, and since there are still long days to go, the Republicans openly accept that the ‘no’ to the decree is an option, a possibility. And also that, given that this decree originates from Pere Aragonès’s own requests (he made it a condition to attend the Conference of Presidents March that the issue will be addressed) feel a bit fatherly about these measures that seek to dilute the effects of overinflation on citizens. Chance has not given ERC an easy decree to overthrow, due to the enormous consequences it would have.

But, nevertheless, the issue of espionage is considered a huge red line that cannot be fixed with “cosmetic measures,” Vilalta said. Moreover, the simple war surgery, in the form of a severed head, would not end the serial either. Esquerra asks himself too many questions, most of them even more related to individual emotional well-being than politics. “Who is spying? Where is the information that has been collected? Are they still spying?doWhat use will be made personal personal information that is already in the hands of the spy? The explanations and responsibilities, therefore, have changed to “resignations and explanations”. That, and the To pass the time.
