ERC calls Junts “irresponsible” and “disloyal” and demands that it be clarified internally

  • Vilalta regrets the smiling reaction of Canadell and Borràs to the booing of Forcadell

CKD has changed phase. And he doesn’t want to make it easy for Junts, in the labyrinth that the postconvergents have gotten themselves into. ERC already says in public what, until now, whispered in private. In an initial intervention, that is to say, prepared, before the questions from the journalists, the Republican spokeswoman, Marta Vilalta, has asserted this Monday that the last battle with Junts began “with a unilateral Audit, who was followed by a disloyal threat to the ‘president`[la de la moción de confianza], without him knowing that it was going to be done & rdquor ;, he pointed out before demanding that the post-convergents “make up their minds, if they have to make a consultation, let them do it. But this is not about the three points of the ultimatum, this is about the internal division they suffer & rdquor ;.

Vilalta has pointed out that there are sectors of Junts that “work & rdquor; to break the Government and that the three points “They are a mere excuse & rdquor;. The also deputy general secretary joined the controversy between the partners with the act of the fifth anniversary of 1-O, in which he whistled and booed Marta Rovira and Carme Forcadell. “We regret and are saddened by the boos and some facial expressions” of members of Junts, in reference to some smiling deputy Joan Canadell and the president of Junts, Laura Borràs, at the moment in which the insults against Forcadell intensified.

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Precisely, Vilalta’s mention of the unilateralism of Junts responded to a few words from this very Monday, by Borràs, which he called “one-sided aggression” (as if the attacks could be otherwise, that is, agreed upon) the dismissal of Jordi Puignero as vice president.

“The intention of the ERC is to maintain this Government and after the consultation, and after Junts decides on what to do, surely there will be time to talkr of the three points and loyalties and many other things & rdquor ;, sanctioned the spokeswoman.
