ERC appeals the useful vote against the right and `to condition Sánchez

Closing campaign in the Gràcia neighbourhood, one of the traditional ERC fiefdoms and an unequivocal signal from the Republicans to initiate a certain return to the origins after the bump suffered in the municipal elections in May. A campaign that has tried to combat the great enemy of the republicans in this contest, that is, the useful vote antt right that all the surveys indicate that capitalizes the PSC. Given this, ERC launches its message that it supports on two pillars. The first is that the Republicans they will not do the ‘cobra’.

In other words, in the event that the results allow the inauguration of Pedro Sánchez as president, under no circumstances will the Republicans will jeopardize that majority which, in turn, would open the door to a later triumph of the right. And the second is that, apart from the previous point, that is, for Sánchez to be president it is worth voting for the PSC as well as for the ERC, only the republican option forces the State Government to manage “without turning its back” on Catalonia, as the general secretary of ERC pointed out, Martha Rovira, in his intervention by videoconference from Switzerland. Or in the words of the ‘president’ Pere Aragones, the ERC ballot is the definitive useful vote “against the monarchist and Spanish right” of PP and Vox.

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To this message, born from the situation caused by the polarization in Spain between right and left and given the possibility that the efar-right influence directly in a Spanish government for the first time since 1977, when Adolfo Suarez formed his cabinet after his triumph in the June 15 elections, he has left the speech in the background most classic of the ERC Junquerista stage. The one that combines national ambitions with social ones.

AND,. taking into account that this emphasis on social issues, that is, the message of the left, was indicated as one of the culprits Because of the bump in the municipal elections, or in other words, that this speech was not ‘compensated’ with a more explicitly pro-independence speech, the ERC leader in Madrid, Gabriel Rufián brought up the list of achievements derived from the republican support for Pedro Sánchez to point out that none of them, none, convert to CKD “at least independentista”.
