ERC and the PNV support Sánchez with the shipment of weapons and leave Podemos and Bildu alone

03/02/2022 at 13:13


Against all odds, Pedro Sánchez has found support among his usual partners for sending weapons to Ukraine directly from Spain. In a monographic plenary in Congress, the President of the Government has rectified his words from last Monday and has indicated that he will send “offensive military material”. United We Can has not been slow to attack Sánchez, and EH Bildu has backed him. However, Sánchez has found support in the ERC, the PNV, the PDeCat and Compromís. In the memory of these formations has been the blockade that Spain suffered during the Civil War and the scant international support to combat fascism.

“Although we are not interested in war, war is interested in us and sometimes a politician must prioritize the interests of his country over his convictions, especially in international politics. I am above all anti-fascist and anti-militarist, but I also know that war and not peace is a constant in the human condition. I believe in the legitimate right to self-defense recognized by the charter of the UN”, has sentenced the ERC spokesman, Gabriel Rufianin a speech that has surprised.

The Republican deputy has pointed out that if the international community had helped the anti-fascists who fought in the Spanish Civil War “surely today Franco would simply be a coup leader forgotten by history and this [España] a much better country“. Rufián has continued pointing out that, “although it is uncomfortable”, the responsibility of politicians must be “going far beyond the banner”. However, he has argued that to stop an “oligarchic neoliberal” like Putin it is necessary ” touch the only flag that really defends, the money”.


The bloc that Spain suffered from England and France during the Spanish Civil War and the neutrality of neighboring countries has also been present in the speech of the PNV spokesman, Aitor Esteban. “We cannot make the same mistake. One thing is to intervene directly militarily, which I can understand is the last step, and another is leave defenseless a country that is repelling an invasion and doing it indirectly for us too“, has sentenced from the tribune of the Congress.

Pedro Sánchez, directly, has applauded his rectification. The President of the Government announced last Monday that Spain would only collaborate in the shipment of weapons through the European Fund for Peace, agreed by the 27 EU countries. This Wednesday, he has assured that Spain, individually, will send offensive weapons. “It seems correct to me because only with field hospitals, bandages and bulletproof vests such aggression is not repelled“, he pointed out. In addition, Esteban has substantiated his position alleging that “if Russia stops fighting there will be no war, but if Ukraine stops fighting there will be no more Ukraine”.

The deputy of compromise, Joan Baldovi, has also been in favor of sending the weapons, although with “doubts, many doubts.” The Valencian politician has declared himself against the use of violence, but has stated that Ukrainian citizens have the right to defend themselves. In the same vein, the spokesman for the PDeCat, Ferran Belhas said that “we must give elements of defense to the attacked peoples”.

The ‘no’ to weapons

In front, Sánchez has only encountered the opposition of United We Can, his own allies in the Government, and EH Bildu. Minutes after he made the announcement in Congress, the general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, has denounced that this gesture only contributes “to the escalation of war” and has criticized that Sánchez has set aside diplomatic channels in his speech in the lower house.

The spokesperson for the nationalist party, Mertxe Aizpurua, has also called the shipment of weapons a “mistake”, has assured that they cannot support that announcement and that they are “concerned” about the decision. “We hope that you have properly assessed the implications that this may entail,” the EH Bildu deputy pointed out to Sánchez. “Continuing on this path will only lead us to generate more tension, more danger and more confrontation with each other.“, has sentenced.
