ERC and Junts fail in the umpteenth attempt to unite the independence movement

If the ‘sine qua non’ condition to try restore independence unity is that it is in pieces, then ERC and Junts are in the right situation to try it. Because the distance is sidereal. Nothing new if it weren’t for the fact that, less than two months ago, both forces agreed on the urgent need to, this time, recompose that desired unity.

And that was, in fact, the immediate reading that, at least ERC made the hit suffered in the municipal elections. From 2019 to 2023, the Republicans lost 300,000 votes, going from 819,000 ballots to 519,000. Together things went much bettereven achieving the ‘sorpasso’ over the Republicans, thanks to their 552,000 votes, 15,000 more than in 2019.

But that should not have been the reading they did in the Junts dome, because Jordi Turull did not take long to subscribe to the theory that the unit had to be recomposed. And it is that if in the comparison between elections the municipality of Barcelona is taken out, where a candidacy with the estelada hidden in the drawer, that of Trias, added 80,000 more votes than the 80,000 achieved by the party in 2019, the balance is not so flattering. What’s more, it shows that, in the ‘rere-country, where the continuous anger between parties seems to take its toll, the post-convergents lost their vote.

The ‘no’ to the single list

The first sticking point in the search for that unity was to determine what it entailed. ERC, swift and fast, distanced itself from any option that this meant competing on a single list. And, always at the same speed, he presented the agreement with EH Bildu, that is, a new turn to the left to combine all doubts about twinning with Junts.

But ERC wanted unity. Or more exactly, and like Junts, he wanted it to appear that there is unity so that the electorate does not take a toll on them. And as an example, a button. There is no person in ERC more reluctant than Gabriel Ruffian to go hand in hand with Junts and, nevertheless, in the first days of the campaign, the Republican leader in Madrid, who knows the importance of balancing left-wing proclamations with the more typically pro-independence ones, asserted that the eventual price that ERC had to put on an investiture of Pedro Sanchez It had to be agreed upon by the three pro-independence forces represented in Congress.

Aragones enters the scene

All this, the search for the lost unity, it went to hell this week. In a three-part movement that Míriam Nogueras initiated in the TV-3 debate, in which he proposed to Rufián to agree that Sánchez would only be invested if he agreed to transfer the powers for the organization of a referendum to the Generalitat.

The Republicans, who suffer when seeing how all the polls detect that the PSC is taking the cat into the water of the useful vote in Catalonia, saw how, if Nogueras’s proposal was left ‘alive’, doubts could grow among the electorate as to whether ERC will invest the socialist, of all, if the figures are given, he reacted after a few hours making it clear that yes, if it depends on them, Sánchez will be president or, what is the same, that the PP will not be or not. be that it adds up with Vox.

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To thoroughly refute Nogueras, ERC staged the ‘president’ himself Pere Aragonès to set the price of the inauguration for the Republicans. Put an end to the fiscal deficit, the transfer of Rodalies and the revival of the dialogue table. And minutes later came Turull’s response to Aragonès, the two who had raised the unit issue: “I haven’t spent three years in jail to stand up for Rodalies& rdquor ;. That of the PSC did not wait either: “Coexistence and progress are at stake, that is priceless,” he snapped Salvador Illa.

And the brooch, for the moment, put it oriol junqueras. Via Twitter, the president of ERC, and ex-prisoner, like Turull, refuted the general secretary of Junts: “We went to jail for organizing the 1-O referendum. Obviously. And I would do it again. That’s why we will demand to maintain the negotiation to address a referendum! And people in Catalonia need trains that work and put an end to the fiscal deficit, because we need more doctors, teachers and social progress”, he declared. The two parties arrive, again, at the polls, without understanding.
