ERC and Bildu will present themselves in coalition to the Senate on 23-J

ERC and EH Bildu will take their alliance to a new level and both formations will present themselves in coalition to the Senate in the next elections 23-J. Under the name of ‘Left for independence, the Catalan republicans and the abertzales will concur together in the elections for the Upper House, they have announced this Thursday through a communication. As they explain, the objective is “join forces for the defense of Catalonia and Euskal Herria”.

“The good results of the joint work carried out up to now between our two organizations has led us to now offer Basques and Catalans a stronger project and a stronger alliance to continue and expand the work started to improve the lives of citizens and progress towards the future in freedom that we want for our countries”, they argue in the letter. Currently, both formations already share a parliamentary group in the Senate, although in They were presented separately in 2019. Even so, of the 16 seats, only two belong to EH Bildu.

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“We have shown that political union allows us to win and offer advances in rights and freedoms to our citizens”, stated the president of ERC, oriol junqueras, as detailed in the statement. In this regard, he insists that the union with the abertzales during this legislature has made them “stronger” and has allowed them to be “determinant throughout the legislature.” The general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegiwhich considers that the tandem that was set up after the 2019 general elections has served as “right retaining wall and its approaches of involution and re-centralization”.

In the letter they detail that four years ago they decided to join forces and “act in a coordinated and strategic manner“. And so it has been. During the legislature, both formations have gone hand in hand on most issues, although at key moments there have been significant disagreements. For example, ERC voted against the labor reform promoted by the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, while EH Bildu did support this standard. It has also happened on some occasions when it comes to approving royal decrees with measures to deal with the consequences of the war in Ukraine.
