Equities in Europe: Corona protests in China unsettle investors

PARIS/LONDON (dpa-AFX) – Protests in China against the government’s strict corona policy also worried investors in Europe’s most important stock markets at the start of the week. The EuroStoxx 50 (EURO STOXX 50) ultimately lost 0.68 percent to 3935.51 points. The French CAC 40 lost 0.70 percent to 6665.20 points. The British FTSE 100 fell 0.17 percent to 7474.02 points.

The situation in China is worrying investors, noted capital market strategist Jürgen Molnar from broker RoboMarkets. The rampant corona virus and the protests against the strict zero-Covid policy depressed the mood. “If China fails as the growth engine of the global economy, the recession in Europe and the USA could be longer and deeper than the hopes that have recently sprouted up want to admit,” emphasized Molnar./edh/jha/
