Equities Eastern Europe Conclusion: Stabilization after a weak start to the week

PRAGUE/BUDAPEST/WARSCHAU (dpa-AFX) – The most important Eastern European stock exchanges have stabilized after the recent losses on Tuesday. The day before, the region’s major stock markets had fallen sharply as a result of the turbulence in the US banking sector. The exception was the Russian RTS Index (RTS), which rose again on Tuesday, up 0.41 percent to 957.88 points.

The leading Czech index PX (PX Prague Stock Exchange Index) rose by 0.67 percent to 1355.20 points. Among the heavyweight names, Erste Group (Erste Group Bank) was up 2.1 percent. CEZ (CEZ AS) gained 1.1 percent.

In Budapest, the BUX almost stagnated at 41,807.29 points. Gains of 2.1 percent in OTP Bank (Orságos Takar És Ker BK ON) were offset by falls of 3.1 percent in shares in MOL.

The Wig 20 on the Warsaw Stock Exchange rose by 0.11 percent to 1755.30 points. The market-wide wig gained 0.31 percent to 58 386.16 points.

The heavily weighted financial stocks performed unevenly. Pekao gained 0.4 percent, while PKO Bank Polski fell 0.3 percent. The securities of the insurer PZU lost more than two percent.

Away from financials, CD Projekt was up 1.9 percent. PGE were again clearly lower at minus 2.7 percent. Asseco fell by 2.5 percent./sto/ger/APA/gl/
