Equities Eastern Europe Conclusion: No uniform direction

PRAGUE/BUDAPEST/WARSCHAU/MOSKAU (dpa-AFX) – The most important stock exchanges in Eastern Europe closed unevenly on Wednesday. In Warsaw and Budapest things went up after the holiday-related break in trading the day before. The market in Prague closed well, in Moscow there were slight losses.

The Polish Wig-20 went up significantly with 2.45 percent to 1573.97 points. The broad wig increased by 1.79 percent to 51,334.82 points. There was high demand for the shares of the oil company PKN Orlen with plus 5.7 percent and the games manufacturer CD Projekt with plus 7.2 percent.

The Hungarian BUX rose 0.88 percent to 41,414.05 points. Among the heavyweights in Budapest, shares in the pharmaceutical company Richter gained 2.3 percent. Erste Group analyst Vladimira Urbankova rated it positively that Richter’s US partner company AbbVie had recently reported a strong increase in sales of the joint product Vraylar. According to the expert, this should also be reflected in Richter’s forthcoming quarterly figures.

In Prague, the leading Czech index PX (PX Prague Stock Exchange Index) ended the day up 0.04 percent at 1185.42 points. The price movements of the most important index values ​​were also kept within narrow limits.

The Moscow stock exchange fell slightly. The Russian RTS Index (RTS) closed down 0.85 percent to 1108.69 points./mik/spo/APA/ajx/he
