Equal appreciation for all students and all study programs | News item

News item | 05-09-2022 | 16:30

A fresh look at the entire secondary education system. Minister Dijkgraaf (OCW) advocates this in his speech today during the Opening Academic Year of Maastricht University. In order to meet the great challenges of our time, education can be even more integrated. With equal appreciation for all students and all courses, from practical to theoretical. And MBO, HBO and scientific education that learn from each other. According to Dijkgraaf, the current upward pressure in education leads to unnecessary stress among students. They should be given the rest and space to develop properly.

The theme of the Opening Academic Year in Maastricht was ‘borders’. Dijkgraaf argues that education and research are major pioneers. “Knowledge carries us forward to the next phase, especially when faced with social challenges. To a better start. That is why we must always be able to rely on the best knowledge. From all the talent at all our institutions. “Our education can be even more integrated”, says Dijkgraaf. He believes that a fresh look is needed to strengthen the unique character of further education in the Netherlands, with high quality, broad accessibility and connection to society.

Vertical model

Dijkgraaf criticizes the vertical model in secondary education, which is characterized by terms such as ‘higher and lower’, ‘stacking’ and ‘losing weight’. According to him, this image does both students and society short, and this self-reinforcing system only produces losers. “The “upward” force that makes everyone strive for something “higher” causes unnecessary stress. “If success is your own merit, so is failure.” He points to the large number of students who experience mental stress as a result of this ‘social hurdle-walk’, with all the bad consequences that entails. Skills other than just the cognitive should also count, such as creativity, adventure and entrepreneurship. of teams of MBO, HBO and WO students who work on a project together.”


Dijkgraaf argues for a tilting of the vertical image into a ‘fan’. “With appreciation for the full range of programmes, from practical to theoretical, from MBO to PhD. All of equal social value and appreciation. A fan in which you can always go further in all directions. As a nurse and as a theoretical physicist.” He wants to blur boundaries, for example with a HBO student who took the step to MBO. “When I left university for higher professional education, it never felt like a step down, but like a step aside.”

Dijkgraaf believes that students at their educational institution should be given the peace and space to develop, with their inner motivation as the most important source of strength. But he notices that this essential space for broad orientation is often reserved for our most selective degree programmes, such as university colleges, honor classes and art courses. “Shouldn’t that space to explore be available to every student, wherever and whatever you study?” Conversely, university education can learn from vocational education, such as the close connection with professional practice.

Young people as a starting point

According to Dijkgraaf, education should not only connect to the ultimate goal (society), but also to the beginning: this and future generations of young people. “Ultimately, it’s not about whether they fit into the system, but whether the system can adapt to them.”

He wants to start a conversation within the ‘fan’ about problems of this generation, such as social safety, mental well-being and financial concerns. All these elements must be reflected in a future exploration that Dijkgraaf will be working on this year together with the institutions, students and other social groups.

Speech by Minister Dijkgraaf at the Opening of the Academic Year
