Episode 5: How Margaret van Beverly defends Jerusalem with a pan

The year is 1195. Margaret of Beverly returns after a long and rough pilgrimage through the Holy Land. She is looking for her only living relative: her brother Thomas. She wants to tell him all about how she fought on the city wall of Jerusalem.

A new episode every Wednesday from September 13.

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This literature was used in the making of this episode of Wilde Eeuwen:

The source for the pilgrim adventures of Margaret of Beverly is the text that her brother Thomas of Froidmont wrote about it, around 1200 ‘Peregrinatio Periculosa’. A translation can be found in SJ Allen and Emilie Amt (eds) (2014) The Crusades a reader (second edition) University of Toronto Press

Christopher Tyerman (2019) The World of the Crusades An Illustrated History, Yale University Press

Christoph T. Maier (2004) ‘The roles of women in the crusade movement, a survey’ in Journal of Medieval History vol 30 61–82

Dan Jones (2019) Crusaders An Epic History of the Wars for the Holy Lands, Penguin books

Text and presentation:
Hendrik Spiering
Editing, directing and editing:
Elze van Driel
Music, editing and mixing:
Rufus van Baardwijk
Final editing:
Mirjam van Zuidam & Iddo Havinga
Jeen Berting
Yannick Mortier
