Epilepsy and work: patient stories and the study

500mila people suffer in Italy from epilepsya chronic neurological disease that greatly limits the lives of patients, because health aspects are still associated with a strong social prejudice.

Epilepsy and work: the study

The research in narrative medicine bears witness to this Epilepsy and work “made by LICE, the scientific society that gathers pathology specialists, together with Istud.

147 patients submitted their stories which were then analyzed. “Not all forms of the disease are the same, and not all of them allow you to work continuouslyeven if the spread of smart working could open up to new ways of using it », says Oriano Mecarelli, epilepticologist and past president of Lice, coordinator of the study.

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«Those suffering from mild epilepsy do not usually talk to the ‘bosses’, fearing they will be fired or demoted. However, denying the problem does not help to manage it when a crisis occurs in the workplace, the responses of those in charge can be broken down. Even occupational doctors are not always prepared to mediate ».

Epilepsy and disability

After an experience that is often really negative, many therefore give up their jobs and apply for disability. «I am also few centers where the neurologist is supported by the psychologist and if the disease begins after school years, the families and patients are alone in facing the psychological and social implications»Says Mecarelli. “The Lice asks institutions, business associations and trade unions to work together on training and employment paths”.



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