Environmentally friendly alternative to combustion engines: How expensive are electric cars really?

The acquisition costs of an electric car

One thing is still certain: Electric cars are still significantly more expensive to buy than petrol or diesel vehicles. According to “Smarter Fahren”, a VW ID.4 Pure costs around 44,000 euros including a few extras, while the comparable Tiguan Allspace with similar equipment and a diesel engine costs around 41,000 euros. A petrol engine with the appropriate equipment, such as the Tiguan Allspace 1.5 TSI with parking assistance, is even cheaper at just under 37,000 euros. According to this price comparison by “Smarter Fahren”, the e-car comes off worst in terms of cost. The high price of an electric car is due to the fact that the battery is so expensive.

However, when purchasing an electric car, buyers receive an environmental bonus from the state, which amounts to up to 6,750 euros for hybrid vehicles and up to 9,000 euros for purely electric cars. This reduces the purchase price of the e-model and, at 35,000 euros, is even cheaper than the comparable petrol model.

Tax benefits with green driving

In the long term, however, there is a cheaper trend for electric cars. While diesel and petrol vehicles sometimes cost a significant amount of vehicle tax every year, electric cars are completely exempt from vehicle tax for the first ten years. From this point of view, an e-car can save around 1,000 euros or more within the first ten years.

These are the maintenance costs in the workshop

The e-car also shows another clear advantage in the workshop and in maintenance. An Opel invoice shows that a electric car maintenance only costs 22.88 euros, while a petrol or diesel engine costs 30.40 euros. According to ADAC calculations, the e-car is also the winner when it comes to refueling. The ADAC compared electric vehicles, petrol and diesel cars from different car brands such as Mercedes, Kia, Jaguar, Hyundai and BMW. Of all the brands, the electric or hybrid car is the cheapest, showing that it has proved its worth in the long term in terms of cost.

total monthly costs

The Forum for Ecological-Social Market Economy compares the total monthly costs of different car models and brands. To do this, it always uses two comparable models from a manufacturer, one with an electrical connection and the other with a petrol or diesel engine. Five years of car ownership and an annual driving distance of 15,000 kilometers are required. The result of the study shows that regardless of whether it is a small car, mid-range, upper mid-range or luxury vehicle – in all comparisons, the car model in the electric version has the cheapest monthly costs and is therefore now the cheapest option for a car buyer.

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