Environmental education starts with water – iO Donna

C.what is theUN Agenda of 2030? Not everyone knows this, but it is important that this “action program for people, the planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries” is known by everyone, especially the adults of tomorrow. And this will be the focus of the 9th edition of “I Care About You“, the free environmental education program promoted by WWF Italia and Regina (Sofidel Group) aimed at primary and lower secondary schools to discover, know and love our Planet and learn to adopt virtuous behaviors that can be good for the environment and society.

World Earth Day, the short film with Claudia Gerini against waste and pollution

I take care of you: environmental education starts at school

The goal of this project is to raise awareness among the new generations about existing connections between everyday gestures and the great global phenomena, stimulate curiosity and motivate the adoption of sustainable behaviors. All with an exceptional mascot: Milla, the ant protagonist of the commercials of Regina Cartacamomilla toilet paper. Starting from the knowledge of the UN 2030 Agenda, the ninth edition of “Mi Curo di Te” will lead children and young people to discuss the theme of water and plastic pollution.

Focus on the water

This year’s program tells how indispensable water is for life on Earth and deepens its natural cycle, creating awareness of why, despite being a renewable resource, today it is increasingly precious. He then photographs the state of health of seas, oceans, rivers and lakes, increasingly at risk from plastic pollution, and suggests the good practices that each of us can adopt every day for responsible use of water. Finally, it proposes a focus on those who, like Regina and the Sofidel Group, produce paper by committing themselves to wisely manage the water resource and to reduce the use of conventional plastic in the packaging of their products.

How to participate in I take care of you

To participate, teachers can download the educational kit with interactive games from the sitedidactic cards and digital quizzes for introduce the topic of water to the class and organize practical activities. At the end of the path, students will give the green light to their creativity to create an elaborate and participate in the contest with many prizes up for grabs.

In addition to a supply of Regina products and access to the training portal OnePlanetSchool (the WWF Italia platform for learning, knowledge and active conservation of nature), the scuole on the podium will receive shopping vouchers for the purchase of teaching materials of € 1,000, € 600 and € 400. The winners will be announced on www.micurodite.it by May 12, 2023. To accumulate points the help of families and friends is also worthwhile, who will in turn be able to register for the program and participate in quizzes and surveys available on the portal.

