Environment is close to the Ditmar brothers after a bizarre scenario: “We have lost everything”

Less than a month after they definitively linked their future to the garage, the company of the brothers Pim and Luuk Ditmar went up in flames. Almost two weeks after this bizarre scenario, the Volvo specialized company is making a rapid restart in De Goorn. “Very special, what is happening.”

Luuk (left) and Pim Ditmar – NH Nieuws

In a unit on the Flat drawbar in De Goorn, an aging Volvo with an open hood is waiting for treatment. An Audi is on the bridge. If you don’t know any better, you will see a regular car garage here. But nothing is less true. A week earlier, the unit was still serving as storage. A friend of the brothers from Hoorn quickly made sure that the space was spacious, so that Pim and Luuk could continue.

It is precisely these signs of help that keep the brothers going. Almost two weeks ago, they saw their future go up in smoke. Literally. A major fire reduced their business and that of two others to ashes. “It feels very empty. We have lost everything. Really everything.”

A scenario that they obviously had not foreseen. “We first tinkered for ourselves, for the hobby. That’s how it started. In 2016 it became more serious and we started a small company,” says Pim.


“As of March 1, we both quit our jobs to go all out for the company. And then, after less than a month, this happens.. We never thought of this.”

The Devastating Fire in Him – Delivered / Pim Ditmar

Just under two weeks later they are in De Goorn. Unaccustomed, but they are there. Here and there a tool is missing and we are still waiting for a lift bridge, so that major repairs can be tackled again.

The garage specializes in the Volvo brand. “That was learned from scratch. Our father was also crazy about Volvos. Since he passed away, it has only increased. The people who drive these kinds of cars want a garage that loves their car. And that happens with U.S.”


There is a lot of help. A fundraising campaign has already raised more than 13 thousand euros. “That’s why we can now also continue to buy new stuff. I never thought that this would be possible after more than a week. Now we have to start saving again.”

A friend made sure that the unit in De Goorn was released. Suppliers think along with the brothers, a colleague company makes its bridge available, they even received a tool cart as a gift. “It’s very special. It feels like people are very close to you. And that’s very nice.”

This is a message from the common West Frisian news editor

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