Entities for bilingualism ask the TSJC for the forced execution of 25% of classes in Spanish

Various organizations that defend bilingualism in the school they have presented/displayed this Wednesday diverse demands to request to the TSuperior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) to urge the Department of Education to enforced execution of the sentence which obliges all Catalan schools to teach 25% of classes in Spanish. Among these entities are Escuela de Todos, Assembly for a Bilingual School (AEB), We speak Spanish and the Catalan Civil Society (SCC).

These last two entities have registered their petition before the Fifth Section of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the TSJC. In a joint statement, they explain that this request is made on behalf of the JUCIL trade union association of the Civil Guard and that they plan to present another on behalf of the AmpaTotal federation of AMPs.

“As entities that statutorily defend linguistic rights, we hope that the TSJC considers us legitimate, although we are aware that jurisprudence works against us,” both associations have recognized.

For its part, the Escuela de Todos platform has done the same through a collective lawsuit representing 1,500 people. The AEB, which is part of the platform, also presents another demand in the same sense on a private basis.
