Entire family killed by car: Thomas de G. will hear his sentence today

The lives of an entire family were wiped out in one fell swoop. In March, Thomas de G. from Zevenbergschen Hoek killed a 10-year-old girl, her 13-year-old brother and their father and mother (both 46) from Raamsdonksveer. That happened on the A59 highway near Sprang-Capelle. Two weeks ago, the Public Prosecution Service demanded seven years in prison and TBS with compulsory treatment. This Tuesday, De G. will hear what punishment he will receive. The judge will make a ruling at half past.

Thomas de G. raced along the A59 at 250 kilometers per hour on March 10 this year. He was driving home after visiting a friend. He had had a lot of beer. He filmed the speedometer with his phone. “I was proud of what the car could do,” he told the judge.

The family from Raamdonksveer had just gone out for dinner for their father’s birthday. The family wanted to overtake a truck on the way back, when De G. arrived. The suspect braked and then crashed into the back of the family’s Hyundai at exactly 203 kilometers per hour.

During the trial it became more clear what exactly happened: “The car is pressed against the left side of the truck. The impact causes the rear loading ramp of the semi-trailer to break off. The car then turns over and is hit again by a Volkswagen Polo.” The family’s car ended up hitting the guardrail and catching fire.

Rescue too late
Thomas de G. and bystanders tried to open the doors of the car, but it was already too late. “A terrible death,” the prosecutor said. Raamsdonksveer was in deep mourning after the death of the family.

“None of this should have ever happened. I think it’s terrible that they feel this way,” said De G. The surviving relatives were present in large numbers at the last hearing. They read emotional statements: “No punishment will be high enough.”

The ruling can be read later on this site.


Live blog of the lawsuit against Thomas de G.

Omroep Brabant previously made this report:
