Enshrouded: How to create the grappling hook

The grappling hook is one of the essential items to have in Enshrouded, as it allows you to explore its huge world much more quickly.

The world of Enshrouded becomes much easier to explore once you have the grappling hook to traverse it. Suddenly the gaps become just a minor inconvenience and the long ride is a thing of the past.

If you want to craft it, you won’t have to wait too long in your Enshrouded journey.

In the guide below, we explain how to create a grappling hook in Enshrouded.

How to make a grappling hook in Enshrouded —

Once your workbench is assembled, the grappling hook will be one of the many objects you will have the opportunity to create. The recipe for a grappling hook is as follows:

  • 4 metal scraps
  • 7 Rope
  • 10 Mantle Spores

Rope is the easiest to get, as you can turn three plant fibers into one rope at any time. Metal scraps can be dropped by small Marauder enemies found in the Shroud, or in locations such as chests and abandoned ruins – destroying any metal objects will drop those as well. Cloak Spores are more difficult, as you will have to deal with the larger Cloak enemies, as only they drop them. However, if you prepare yourself with a decent weapon and some protection, you won’t have any problems.

Written by Ryan Woodrow for GLHF
