Ennio won the David di Danatello: the public loves Morricone

M.over the exciting speeches of the David di Donatello. In that of Giuseppe Tornatore – who was awarded the statuette for Enniothe documentary on the life and art of Ennio Morricone -, the Sicilian director has included the secret that led to the success of the work dedicated to the great composer.

Tornatore reveals the secret of Ennio

“I wondered for a long time what was the reason for the success of the film: I think the secret is in the way in which Ennio talked about himself, addressing the public as a friend who can be trusted“. Here are the words of the director as he withdraws the statuette from the hands of Carlo Conti.

Nothing to do, therefore, with music, as could be expected from a film dedicated to Morricone. The secret of the success of Ennio it concerns a much more intimate and profound aspect of the protagonist.

The victory of the Silver Ribbon

This is the second award for the film. In fact, in February, it won the Silver Ribbon as documentary of the year.

It is a Ribbon to passionin search of the auteur story of an exceptional protagonist who makes the emotion of a film unique that, beyond music and cinema, transmits the profound meaning of a tribute that represents, together, sentimental journey and great cinemalectio magistralis and the story of an absolute genius born in a world of disarming simplicity “, reads a note from the board shared on the Instagram profile of Nastri d’Argento.

The documentary on Ennio Morricone

Ennio was released in cinemas on February 17th. To make it happen Tornatore has collected material from all over the world, with the aim of making the public not only aware of the artistic genius, which is now known to all, but his human face. “It is also Morricone himself who talks about himself, to tell stories the entire professional and existential parable», Reads the David award sheet. And perhaps for this very reason it has conquered the public and critics.

