Enjoy the sun because next week the temperature will drop a lot

Sun lovers have little to complain about in the coming days. Temperatures are rising and the sun is shining brightly. This will only change in the course of next week. “Then the temperature really drops quite a bit.”

This Friday will also be beautiful, Wouter van Bernebeek from Weerplaza told Friday morning in the radio program ‘WAKKER!’ on Omroep Brabant. “The start was still gray. But the low clouds will gradually disappear over the next few hours. From noon it will be a bit variable cloudy, with sometimes considerable sunny periods. We will then end up in much warmer air. It will be warm in summer on Friday afternoon, 26 to locally 29 degrees. There is very little wind, so it will feel a bit sweltering.”

“It will be a bit sunnier on Sunday.”

This is the harbinger of a longer period of good weather. “Maybe there will be a single shower in the western half of our province next night, but that will really be local. Most showers will cross the North Sea and the west of the Netherlands, we will not be bothered by that.”

The sun will also break through during the day on Saturday. “Then it will be about 26 degrees on average. Sunday too. Then it will probably be a bit sunnier. There will be very little wind throughout the weekend. Usually force 1 or 2, from a west-southwesterly direction.”

“The temperature will drop quite a bit from Thursday.”

Next week is also off to a good start. “Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday it will be summery, more than 25 degrees. Maybe Tuesday even a little higher in terms of temperature. All those days there is quite a lot of sun. Around Wednesday there seems to be a turn in the weather, with increasing clouds and a wind turning to the west-northwest This will probably provide the necessary showers from Thursday and then the temperature will really drop quite a bit. But that is still a long way off, for now!”
