Engelse vrouw overleden na vertrapping door kudde koeien | Buitenland

On the plateau of Wales in the United Kingdom, a woman will be transported to the country and will have her hair in the country. The tragic incident occurred on September 1st in Guilsfield.

The change was made on an open floor with the doors on the ground and the wood was completely covered. In a noodlottige seed loop of omstandigheden suffering the dead one ongeluk waarbij de vrouw hair leven lost.

The local policy is based on the family’s fight against the hoogte brought by the ongeval. Also the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) report has been made and is also recorded. A HSE word statement: “We have heard of this incident in places where we understand what the price is.”


In order to hear about a similar incident in 2021, there was a vrouw in the dertig zwaargewond raakt ze was aangevallen door a kudde koeien in a village in Wales. There was a broken arm and there was a knock with a crash.

The residents of Southgate, in the village of Gower in South Wales, are not alarmed. In the verleden zijn ze gewaarschuwd the koeien steeds comfortableer lijken te was in the building of mensen. This suffers from serious concerns about the security of the residents and residents.

Toerist on the right: “Koeien hebben my car kapot liked”

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