Engelse politie start onderzoek na vermoedelijke poisoniging Russian dissidents | Buitenland

In Germany, there is another issue geopending on a Russian journalist and activist who had been reported to have had gezondheidsproblemen at a conference in Berlijn that could potentially be poisoned. That reports the fair political situation in the German newspaper ‘Welt am Sonntag’.

“He will be given an additional information on the basis of the available information”, adus de woordvoerder van de politie van Berlijn in de Krant.

The Russian special interest medium ‘Agentstvo’ publiceerde last week a special interest was reported will be made from gezondheidsproblemen by two newcomers to a bijeenkomst van Russian dissidents op 29 and 30 April, around de zakenman and opposant Mikhail Khodorovski.

The very first day, when a journalist who left Russia long ago, had the same symptoms as never before. Make it clear that the possibility for the event has already started. The vrouw reported that he was in the Berlijnse ziekenhuis, the Russian opposant Alexej Navalny in 2020 would be poisoned by some means.

The tweede deelneemster is Natalya Arno, the directrice of the ngo Free Russia Foundation in the United States, was ze al tien jaar woont nadat ze Russia most verlaten. De vrouw was in April in Berlijn and traveled there to Praag. Then you will see the following agent’s symptoms and you will also notice that the hotel room will be geopended.

“Scherpe pijn en verdoofdheid”

Op Facebook wrote Arno eerder deze week dat ze “scherpe pijn” voelde en een “verdoofdheid”. The first “preemde symptoms” started na haar aankomst in Praag. The symptoms are not lost until Arno is better than you, you are still there.

De afgelopen jaren vonden verschillende gifaanvallen plaats in Russia and in het Buitenland tegen Russian opposants. Moscow ontkent elke betrokkenheid van zijn secret services at the aanvallen.

Europe’s laboratoria confirmed that Alexej Navalny was poisoned with novelty, a scenario developed by the Sovjet-Unie was developed for military purposes.

Natalya Arno. © Free Russia Foundation
