Energy Surcharge Act 2023 adopted | News item

News item | 03-10-2023 | 13:47

After the House of Representatives, the Senate today also approved the One-Time Energy Allowance Bill 2023. Municipalities can therefore start – just as in 2022 – to help households at or just above the social minimum with their high energy costs.

Many municipalities want to automatically grant the energy allowance to households they already know or who received the allowance last year. Most people therefore do not have to do anything to receive the allowance. Those who do not receive it automatically can then simply submit an application.

Minister Schouten for Poverty Policy, Participation and Pensions: “The energy bill is lower than last year, but still a lot higher than before. With the energy allowance we were able to help people in a targeted manner last year to keep their heads above water. Municipalities have made an enormous effort to make this possible and I am very grateful to them that they are willing to do this again this winter.”

Amount of the energy surcharge

The energy surcharge is paid by the municipality, and the municipality determines the amount. In most municipalities, the 2023 energy surcharge is €800. To bridge the first half of 2023, municipalities had the option to increase the 2022 energy surcharge by an amount of €500. This came from the budget for the 2023 Energy Surcharge. Municipalities that did this If you have not done so, you can pay out the full €1,300, just like in 2022.


The bill also has a separate arrangement for students whose parents cannot help pay the higher energy costs. They receive a one-off allowance of €400 through the Education Executive Agency (DUO). This applies to students with a basic grant and a supplementary grant, and to students who study longer and previously received a supplementary grant. DUO will automatically pay this compensation to the students who are entitled to it from January 2024.
