Energy saving | Pilar Alegría recalls that Feijóo proposed energy measures in Galicia that “only differ one degree” from those approved

08/14/2022 at 14:29


The Minister of Education and Vocational Training asks the leader of the popular ones to “study a little more” the royal decree on energy saving

The PSOE spokesperson and Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Pilar Alegría, has urged the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to “study a little more” the royal decree on energy saving and recalled that as president of the Xunta he proposed energy reduction measures that “only differ one degree” from those approved by the Government.

“I would ask Feijóo, with all due respect, to study a little more. Because when you study a little more, you make a little less mistakes. When you read and know that decree on energy saving measures, you quickly realize what are the same measures that are being applied by the 27 countries of the European Union”, he pointed out in statements to the media in Zaragoza.

The PSOE spokeswoman has criticized Feijóo that he has branded a government “authoritarian” “elected by the citizens”. “It is far from the image of moderator that Mr. Feijóo himself wants to pose for himself”, he added.

“The PP first he lost the sense of State and now he is losing common sense”Alegría has indicated, who has recalled that Feijóo, as president of the Xunta de Galicia, proposed energy reduction measures that “only differ by one degree” from those proposed by the Executive of Pedro Sánchez.

As for these measures, he pointed out that “they are being very positive” and thanked shops and other businesses that are acting “from the utmost responsibility.”

The PP is a “cage of crickets”

On the other hand, the minister has described the PP as a “cage of crickets” in which It is not known who leads “if Mr. Feijóo or Mrs. Diaz Ayusoand asks for an “opposition that is up to the task”.

“The Popular Party first lost the sense of State and now it is losing common sense because what we propose from the Government are measures to protect the middle and working classes,” he stressed.
