Energy saving measures | The Government approves a package of energy saving and efficiency measures

The Minister council approves this Monday a package of urgent measures for efficiency and energy savingwhich has been coordinated by the Third Vice President and Minister for the Ecological Transition, Theresa Rivera.

As announced this Friday by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchezduring the presentation of balance of the first half of the year, the plan will be “in line with what all European countries are doing”.

These are measures worked on for weeks, discussed with the private sector, communicated to all administrations and parliamentary groups“, Sánchez added, who did not want to advance any of the specific measures.

The Government already advanced a few weeks ago that work was being done on this energy saving plan that would include the promotion of teleworking in the public sphere and a more efficient use of air conditioning and heating in public buildings, which would be extended as a recommendation to the private sector.

The president recalled that Spain has to voluntarily cut 7% of gas consumption in the coming months, in accordance with the demand reduction approved this week by the European Commission, which could make the restrictions mandatory if Russia ends up cutting the gas supply to Europe.

“We are all involved”, assured Sánchez in reference to energy saving, which has also considered that it will be good for companies and families because the reduction in consumption will make it possible to lower the electricity bill.

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“You only need to enter a shopping center to realize that the air conditioning is too high,” he exemplified.

As a personal gesture, the president has indicated that as of today he does not wear a tie and that he has asked his ministers and senior officials not to wear one either, something that he believes should also be done in the private sector “if they haven’t already”.
