Energy of the future in Argentina

In times of global energy crisis, conventional resources are becoming more scarce, unfriendly to the environment and whose rates influence the economy of homes and businesses. In this aspect, renewable energies emerge as an unbeatable alternative.

Photovoltaic systems, that is, they use panels to absorb the sun’s energy and transform it into electricity, have great benefits, both for domestic use and for industries or productive sectors. Here we describe configuration types and benefits to get to know them better.

  • The choice of system:
  • solar equipment OFF-GRID, is inserted into the electrical circuit of our home in the conventional board sector. This system provides us with solar energy at times and in others with low solar radiation it goes to the network, while it is in charge of leaving the battery bank charged to have a 220v backup in case of a power outage. It electronically and automatically selects which of them to let go to the home’s consumption.
  • System ON-GRID, mixes what is generated in a solar way with the current of the conventional electrical network, everything that it generates is constantly injected into our home, delivering the maximum possible depending on the solar radiation of each day. The greater the generation capacity our team has, the less it will need to supplement from the network. This type of equipment allows us to return the surplus generated to the electrical network, in accordance with the regulations of each region. The disadvantage of this configuration is that this type of system does not have batteries for backup, because when there is a cut, the supply of the panels is also interrupted.
  • HYBRID type system, this equipment is a combination of the previous two, its price is higher, but it has the advantages of both.

Conclusion: Any choice in the system generates energy savings (and money) and also stability in the supply voltage. In addition, depending on the configuration, it protects against power outages and offers the possibility of having electricity in isolated places. And, most importantly, we use clean, non-polluting energy to take care of the planet that our children will inherit.

Contact information:


Instagram: @energia.futuro.arg


WhatsApp: 1157083798

Mail: [email protected]

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