Energy Minister Van der Straeten: “VAT reduction on gas is again on the government table” | Inland

The Greens minister pointed out that we are currently facing a price crisis, not a supply crisis, as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Van der Straeten announced that two proposals will be put on the government table: a permanent VAT reduction on gas and electricity to 6 percent in combination with an excise tax reform to better control price evolution. In addition, work is being done on making the social rate permanent, which means that the cheapest rate is guaranteed.

Van der Straeten emphasized that the situation has been closely monitored every day for weeks and that the supply of gas, oil and uranium in our country is guaranteed. As for petroleum, there is a strategic reserve of 90 days. Belgium is only 2.2 percent dependent on Russia for gas. Two to three times more gas is coming into our country than we need, according to the minister, who added that there is no problem for uranium until 2025.

She also pointed out that countries with more renewable energy are better protected from high energy prices. Countries dependent on nuclear energy, such as France, have the highest prices today. Countries with more renewable energy such as wind, for example Denmark, have the lowest prices.

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