energy crisis | Sánchez now accepts the proposal of the PP to reduce VAT on gas from 21% to 5%

Pedro Sanchez announced this Thursday a discount from 21% to 5% of the VAT of gas from October to December 31 to favor a lowering of the bill in the cold months, when it is essential to put on the heating. It is a proposal that the leader of the opposition, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has been making since July and that until now the government has disdained.

The Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, rejected it yesterday but the president, in an interview in Ser, has advanced its application within the measures that our country can apply to deal with high energy prices. Sánchez has not entered the debate on whether It is a proposal that the PP has publicly requested and that they were going to raise again in the face to face that the chief executive and Feijóo will hold on Tuesday in the Senate.

The Government has already lowered the VAT on the electricity bill and now extends it to gas. It is “reasonable”, he has said, before the arrival of the cold. Sánchez has tried to explain that the constant warnings from the Executive that we are facing a harsh winter are linked to the situation of “uncertainty” generated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Vladimir Putin’s threat to cut off gas supplies to Europe.

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But, against the “catastrophism” that in his opinion the opposition boasts, he has defended that the economic data are not bad that there is an increase in exports, the deficit and public debt have been reduced and there has been a growth in tourism. The pending task, he has acknowledged, is to reduce the impact of high inflation on the lives of Spaniards and, in this sense, he has repeated that the Government will take the necessary measures to “protect the working middle class”.

This is a message that the president has been insistently repeating for several weeks that is linked to his decision to tax the profits of electricity companies and to the campaign of the PSOE -the “Government of the people”-, with which the Socialists start the course political.
