endocrine disruptors and why they hurt – iO Donna

La thyroid is put seriously at risk from endocrine disruptors. And yet, according to estimates Eurostat, industry pours into the market a new potentially harmful substance every 1.4 seconds. What are the consequences for adults and children and how do they affect the body? There Professor Annamaria Colaopast president of the SIE Italian Society of EndocrinologyProfessor of Endocrinology at theFederico II University of Naplessecond Italian in the ranking of Women Researchers, launches an alarm.

Thyroid: the alarm of the experts

According to theISS Higher Institute of Health: «Endocrine disruptors constitute a large and heterogeneous group of substances among which are persistent environmental contaminants compounds used in commonly used industrial and consumer products as well as natural compounds. Prolonged exposure to these substances may adversely affect development, growth, reproduction and behavior in both humans and animal species. And the YES IS Italian Endocrinology Society raises the alarm: «It is necessary review and expand as soon as possible the list of substances to be banned in widely used products, to protect the health of today’s and tomorrow’s citizens».

The consequences on the organism

These substances have potentially dramatic effects on the health of adults and children, as congenital malformationsdisorders of the neurological development or of the reproduction, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Experts are calling for greater commitment to scientific research, because it is essential better define safety thresholds and consequences of the ‘cocktails’ of substances to which we are exposed, which can have negative effects especially in pregnancyas demonstrated by a large study funded by the European Union according to which exposure to a mix of endocrine disruptors can increase the likelihood of language delays in children up to 54%..

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The numbers in Europe

Europe is “submerged” in chemicals which are found in many widely used products and which are often endocrine disruptors, i.e alter the hormonal balance. In the last 13 years in the European Union have been around 2,000 substances banned but need acceleration. For this reason, the Italian Society of Endocrinology has signed the petition of theEuropean Society of Endocrinologywhich in one letter addressed to the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyencalls for the European regulation to be updated before the mandates of the current European Parliament and the Commission expire REACH (Restriction, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals) concerning the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances.

A review right away

“It is essential that the revision is adopted within the current political mandate of the European Commission and the European Parliament. Further delaying the review of REACH will result in the persistence of a high level of population exposure to the so-called endocrine disruptors, ie chemicals capable of altering the function of the endocrine systemwith more serious consequences especially for the most vulnerable subjects, such as pregnant women and children,” they say Professor Colao and the Professor Gianluca Aimarettipresident of SIE, Professor at the Avogadro University of Eastern Piedmont.

Endocrine disruptors: what they are, where they are

“These chemicals, which include for example bisphenols, phthalates and perfluoroalkyls (PFAS), are found in many commonly used objects including packaging, plastic bottles and toysare pervasive and have serious adverse endocrine consequences. So acting now means prevent harm to current and future generations. Further delays in the revision of the REACH regulation would have health consequences lasting also in the future. In addition to the loss of human and animal life, endocrine disruptors are also linked to considerable economic costs supported by citizens of the Union. Conservative estimates have linked substance exposures to about 157 billion euros of effective healthcare costs and loss of earning potential,” conclude the experts.

