End of Service for Internet Explorer

A year ago, Microsoft announced the end of Internet Explorer, ” The Internet Explorer 11 desktop app will be retired and no longer supported on June 15, 2022 for some versions of Windows 10 “. As expected, the latest browser version will no longer be supported by Microsoft and will no longer receive security updates from June 15.

End clap for Internet Explorer after 27 years of loyal service

It was in 1995 that Internet Explorer first appeared with the Windows 95 operating system. Almost 27 years later, and eleven main versions of the famous browser, it should bow out on Windows 10. Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Server LTSC, Windows Server 2022, Windows 10 LTSC, and Windows 10 IoT LTSC users will see Internet Explorer available, at least for a little while.

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This end clap does not concern Windows 11 since the web browser is not available on this operating system, replaced by Microsoft Edge, based on Chromium.

This announcement will no longer concern many people since Internet Explorer is no longer used by the majority of Internet users who fell back on browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari at the turn of the 2010s. he set of Windows operating systems up to the Windows 10 version, the browser was the most widely used in the world until 2009, before the explosion of Mozilla Firefox and then Google Chrome.

Attempting to download Internet Explorer 8.Attempting to download Internet Explorer 8.

Here, a user tries to install Internet Explorer 8 on his computer with Windows 98 operating system. Screen capture: Yi Shiang / Flickr.

In 2019, Microsoft made a very surprising announcement advising Internet users to no longer use Internet Explorer as their default browser. The firm specified that it no longer supported the old browser by adapting it to new web standards, which could expose the companies that used it to cybersecurity risks.

What end for Internet Explorer?

Concretely, what will happen to Internet Explorer after June 15, 2022? The app will simply be disabled and regular browser users will be redirected to Microsoft Edge if they attempt to open an Internet Explorer web page.

However, Microsoft has thought about older websites and applications that require the use of Internet Explorer in order to be accessible and usable. Microsoft Edge has an Internet Explorer mode that allows, thanks to the new browser from the American giant, to access these websites. This mode will be supported at least until 2020, the time for companies and developers to adapt to the end of Internet Explorer.
