End of ChatGPT hallucinations? AI21 Labs groundbreaking feature that could change everything!

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End-of-ChatGPT Hallucinations-AI21-Labs-groundbreaking-feature-that-could-change-everything

Amazing but disturbing! ChatGPT, OpenAI’s preeminent AI model, is known for its remarkable ability to generate human-like text. But what happens when our AI interlocutors start “seeing” things that don’t exist? AI21 Labs may have found a solution that could revolutionize the entire industry.

ChatGPT Losing Ground: A Deeper Look at Declining User Counts

Despite the impressive performance of OpenAI’s ChatGPT the trend shows a declining user base. According to the data company Similarweb Global mobile and desktop traffic for the AI ​​tool dropped between May and June by almost 10%.

One number of reasons could explain this phenomenon. External factors may have influenced user behavior. For example have some companies have asked their employees not to use generative AI tools for privacy reasons.


OpenAI has also begun responding to user criticism and regulatory pressure by censoring malicious ChatGPT responses. This may have prompted some users to abandon the tool as they may be using it as a less useful, less trustworthy, or just plain less entertaining.

Also legal difficulties could have played a role. OpenAI is currently facing a federal lawsuit from a California company alleging OpenAI used a Campaign conducted to “secretly harvest” large amounts of personal data from the Internet to have. This data should private information and conversations, medical data and information about children without the knowledge or consent of the owners have included.

Another reason for the AI ​​hallucinations, where the artificial intelligences just themselves thinks up data, even if it has no factual basis. This massively affects the usability of the data, which is probably what has reduced the interest of many the most.

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Delirious ChatGPT: A deep dive into the world of AI hallucinations and the cannibalization effect

ChatGPT hallucinations

One of the most notable problems with AI models like ChatGPT is their tendency to “hallucinate”. This AI generated illusions arise when the models, in their attempt to provide answers to user questions, Inventing facts not based on actual data. It’s like the machine sees things that aren’t there. This behavior raises serious questions about the reliability and trustworthiness of these systems.

But what causes these hallucinations? Here it comes cannibalization effect in the game. This states that AI models that learn from other AI models often tend to imitate each other instead of developing new, innovative solutions.


The paradox of this effect is that despite its efforts to improve AI models, it actually causes their quality to decrease. This phenomenon can also lead to an increase in AI hallucinations as the Models tend to reproduce information learned from other AI models, even if that information is wrong or inaccurate.

This is of greater importance, especially when the accuracy of the data is important. These mainly include the financial and legal areas. The AIs are said to have a tendency to hallucinate even if they are connected to the Internet and can link sources.

Benefit early from the AI ​​boom!

AI21 Labs groundbreaking AI hallucination combat feature

In the fight against AI hallucinations AI21 Labs an impressive function called “Contextual Answers” developed. This new question-and-answer mechanism for large language models allows users to upload their own data libraries, thereby restricting the output of the model to specific information.

The AI ​​models usually give an answer even if they don’t have any data to back it up. The solution from AI21 Labs is now intended to change this mechanism by only creating content if it is relevant. Otherwise no texts are output.

The process monitoring could help that AI models more reliable and understandable and help alleviate the problem of AI hallucinations.


AI hallucinations pose a serious problem for the trustworthiness and reliability of AI systems. While the cannibalization effect may exacerbate this challenge, AI21 Labs’ innovative approach brings a glimmer of hope. By allowing users to upload their own data libraries and thus restrict model output, they could pave the way for a new era of AI development where “hallucinations” are a thing of the past. Above all, the areas in which high accuracy is required could lead to greater acceptance.

Don’t miss the AI ​​hype now!

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Popular South Park memecoin sold out after just 1 day, listing is approaching

Burn Kenny

Based on the internationally popular animated comedy series South Park After the success of the memecoin Mr. Hankey, the innovative Burn Kenny was launched. This is based on one of the main characters, Kenny, who dies in almost every episode. Then the survivors usually shout: “Oh my God! They killed Kenny!”. Unlike Mr. Hankey, he bids 30% burns, which start 24 hours after the DEX start and are carried out in the 3 following days. This could increase the already large FOMO even morebecause the Presale sold out in about a day due to impressive demand.

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Robot stands in front of digital chart

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About the author: Simon Feldhusen first came into contact with the stock market 17 years ago and has been dealing intensively with trading, cryptoassets, stocks, P2P, corporate finance, finance and entrepreneurship on a daily basis for more than 8 years. He has also been working as a copywriter and ghostwriter in the financial sector for several years. During this time he has acquired a diversified knowledge through various training courses on the financial markets and following the daily news. Since then, not a day has gone by that he hasn’t engaged with the markets. He publishes for Finanzen.net, ETF-Nachrichten.de, Coincierge.de and P2E News.com.
