Emre Belözoğlu and Başakşehir made headlines in Belgium! what a painful defeat

Gazet van Antwerpen used the headline “Basaksehir ruined the party”. In the news, “A loss against one of the best teams in Turkey in terms of efficiency. Mark van Bommel suffered his first defeat as Antwerp’s coach. At the worst possible moment.” it was said.

Het Belang van Limburg “What a painful defeat!” used the title. “The Turks played well under the pressure of Antwerp from time to time. With seven minutes to go, Başakşehir inserted the knife a little deeper into the wound in Antwerp,” the report said. statements were included.


Belgian press praised Başakşehir under the management of Emre Belözoğlu. De Standaard used the title “The Efficient Turks inflicted Anterp’s first defeat”. In the detail of the news, “Mark van Bommel suffered his first defeat as Antwerp coach against Başakşehir. And it happened at a really bad time.” expressions were used.
