“Empty the aquarium”: animal rights organization protests in Brussels against dolphinariums | Inland

About 25 activists from animal rights organization Bite Back took part in the international campaign Empty The Tanks on Saturday with a protest at the Europe crossroads in front of Brussels Central. More than 30 countries are campaigning against the keeping of marine mammals in captivity. At the same time, Bite Back is emphatically asking for an end to dolphinariums in Belgium.

Bite Back set up an information stand at the Europa intersection, organized live-action painting and showed a choreographed formation. All to make it clear that they want the closure of the Boudewijn Seapark in Bruges. That is the last dolphinarium in Belgium, where eight dolphins are located. Competent Flemish minister Ben Weyts (N-VA) has promised an extinction policy, but there is no concrete date.

“We have brought Empty The Tanks several times to Bruges, the city of the last dolphinarium in Belgium. In 2022, however, the time was right to change tack: the animal welfare policy addressing the issue is in Brussels, not Bruges,” says Bite Back.

The message of the Belgian animal rights organization is twofold, because with their protest they also join the actions that are being held today in 33 locations around the world. They protest together against the industry of catching, buying and selling that is behind dolphinariums. It is already the tenth edition of Empty The Tanks.
